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“Plein air - open air communication” - an exhibition based on the results of the regional art project “Plein air - 2024”

On November 15, 2024, the grand opening of an exhibition of Kostanay artists following the results of the annual regional art project “Plein Air - 2024” took place in the fine arts department of the Kostanay Regional Museum of History and Local Lore.

On November 15, 2024, the grand opening of an exhibition of Kostanay artists following the results of the annual regional art project “Plein Air - 2024” took place in the fine arts department of the Kostanay Regional Museum of History and Local Lore. The vernissage featured works by artists participating in the project, as well as authors who worked independently on sketches in various places in the region. This year, the artists’ plein air took place in the Naurzum Nature Reserve, Naurzum district, Kostanay region, from August 19 to 23. The artists' plein air was held with the aim of organizing a trip to nature in one of the picturesque areas of the Kostanay region - the NaurzumNature Reserve - the pearl of Kazakhstan. They visited unique places in the Natural Museum of Geographical Contrasts, where sketches were written. They were presented with a variety of landscapes, this is the famous relict pine forest, which once grew at the bottom of the former ancient Turanian Sea, these are steppes, lakes and areas of forests - birch and aspen forests, they visited the amazing and mysterious Tersek. In the conditions of pristine protected nature in the open air, artists improved their skills in creative visual activity. The exhibition of Kostanay artists “Plein air - open air communication” will run for a month.

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14 просмотров
Автор: daniil.slychenyuk
Добавлено: 15.11.2024 в 11:48

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